Please write us for any information, queries and question regarding the World Cinema Carnival at
Subject line in the email: General Enquires – World Cinema Carnival
For all any queries and concerns regarding the Young Critics Program please write to us at
Subject line in the email: Young Critics Program (Your Name + Question Logline)
Please write us for any information, Collaboration, Expression of interest or question regarding the Passing the Mic Programming at
Subject line in the email: Passing the Mic + (Interest/ Question)
For any Collaboration request and Curatorial Proposals for AlterWave Program feel free to write us at
Subject line in the email: AlterWave – (Your Expression of Interest)
To explore and innovate all the potential possibilities of partnership and sponsoring opportunities at World Cinema Carnival write us at
Subject line in the email: Sponsorship/ Collaboration/ Partnership (As Applicable) + (Your Exclusive Interest/ Question)