Rebel Objects


Carolina returns to Costa Rica to try to rebuild her relationship with her father. After a few months, her father is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. At that moment, Carolina meets Ifigenia, an archaeologist expert in the stone spheres found in the south of Costa Rica; the country’s great enigma. She decides to follow Ifigenia’s journey through an erased indigenous history. Through objects and their stories, Carolina learns a different way to relate to death.

Artist Profile

Carolina Arias Ortiz

Carolina Arias Ortiz is born in Costa Rica, in 1987. At age 12, she migrates with her mother and sister to Brussels, in Belgium. Her concerns for understanding cultural differences lead her to study anthropology. Then, her fascination with the observation and listening of others, made her explore cinema and audiovisual language. In 2010 she travels to Barcelona to receive a postgraduate degree in documentary cinema after which she decides to return to Latin America and settles in Quito, Ecuador for 4 years. She works in different indigenous territories and with women's organizations. She is a PhD student in anthropology and film at the University of Costa Rica.


ProducerAlexandra Latishev y
Carolina Arias Ortiz.
DirectorCarolina Arias Ortiz
WriterCarolina Arias Ortiz
EditorXimena Franco
SoundGrecia Albán