Pelin Çılgın
Critical Analysis on
The Loneliness of the Immigrant
The work meditates on the concept of being a world citizen and the process of being one. However, the process can’t be fulfilled as it needs the help of strangers to break out of the shell of the old identity. The performance ending when the police throw the artist into a garbage bin is tragically realistic.
It can be interpreted as a brutal way to “dispose of” immigrants from the public eye. This action, however, doesn’t let the shell be cracked open but instead reinforces it further, resulting in a fusion identity of both countries, failing at being truly borderless.
Critical Analysis on
The Loneliness of the Immigrant
It should be noted that the article explores a very specific response by privileged people, those with a high level of education and also financial stability. People coming from such safe backgrounds might be tempted to consider horrible crises like COVID19 as a form of adventure.
This shows the disconnection between them and people from more unfortunate backgrounds, e.g., the time celebrities sang the song “Imagine” on social media, ignoring the sufferings of common people. In short, people with higher forms of financial privileges seemed to benefit from things that lower-class individuals could not benefit from during the pandemic.
Final Display
The Loneliness of the Immigrant
Light smile
Hurting Eyes
Hiding Back